Monday, November 17, 2014

Jurassic World Website Is Live And Counting Down - The Trailer For Jurassic World Is Coming Soon!

The Jurassic World trailer is coming in less than 10 days. 

Can't wait!

Check out the countdown clock here @

more stills here JW mock corporate website @

Jurassic Park YouTube channel @ Jurassic Park

Update:  The teaser for the trailer is here.

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Simpsorama Couch Gag Is Here!


From upcoming Simpsons Futurama mashup episode. 

The Six Million Dollar Man Is Coming And Inflation's Coming With Him

The long awaiting movie version of the popular 1970's television show has the green light!

Mark Wahlberg will be playing the Six Billion Dollar Man and Peter Berg will be directing.

It's about time!

more @ Deadline

Update:  A recent Southpark episode,
Freemium Isn't Free, has the poster, from the future?

Update Nov. 2, 2015:

The Six Billion Dollar Man gets an official release date and a new director.  Peter Berg is out and Damian Szifron is in as director.  This might be his first film in English.  Most of his work is in Spanish.
The Six Billion Dollar Man is due in theaters December 22, 2017

Star Wars: Episode VII Has Its Official Title

Star Wars: The Force Awakens

"The Force embiggens the smallest Jedi." 
Jedi Diah Springfield

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Hugh Jackman Co-Stars With Robots Again In New Trailer For Chappie

Not since Johnny 5 has a robot been so alive.

Chappie will be released March 6, 2015.

Hugh Jackman might also be hanging with robots again in Real Steel 2.

Sunday, November 2, 2014

New Fantastic Four: First Steps Trailer