Saturday, May 31, 2014

Edge Of Tomorrow Review

Edge Of Tomorrow is the latest film from veteran director Doug Liman, best known for The Bourne Identity series.  Edge Of Tomorrow's story is adapted from the Japanese graphic novel All You Need Is Kill.  It can be boiled down and described as Groundhog Day meets Starship Troopers.  Earth's forces invade the beaches of Normandy to repel an alien invasion.  A highly advanced alien race invades earth and is poised to take over in a decisive victory over mankind when a complex phenomenon takes place that allows Lt. Col. Bill Cage to reset time upon his death while maintaining his memories and experiences.  War hero Emily Blunt once had this power but lost it.   When she discovers that Lt. Col. Cage has acquired this ability she helps train him to defeat the alien invasion.  Together they become mankind's last hope for survival.

This is a big step up from Tom Cruise's last film, Oblivion.   Tom Cruise is much more sympathetic and interesting in this role as Lt. Col. Bill Cage, a soldier who must learn to fight.  Emily Blunt is very good as his mentor, helping to train him.  Everyone involved does some of their best work and the performances raise the bar and remind us that science fiction rolls can be strong.  Everyone is excellent including Bill Paxton in his roll as a no nonsense Sargent who's mission it is to make Bill's life hell.  There is a certain amount of levity,  perhaps too much to take the film very seriously.  The film is thoroughly and consistently entertaining.  An interesting premise and excellent cast work together to create an exciting and fun action film.

Edge Of Tomorrow will be release Jun 6, 2014 and is rated PG-13 for violence and language.  It is suitable for most teenagers.

Burn, Rent, or Buy?   Edge Of Tomorrow is a Buy.

Update:  Edge Of Tomorrow was released today, June 6, 2014, the 70th Anniversary of the D-Day Invasion.  Sincere thanks to the real soldiers that fought on the beaches that day 70 years ago.

Monday, May 19, 2014

Guardians Of The Galaxy second trailer just released!

Guardians of the Galaxy TRAILER 2

I have high hopes for this movie.  The new trailer looks good.  Looking forward to seeing it
August 1, 2014.

Check out Marvel's official Guardians website here.

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Happy Birthday George Lucas!

Happy 70th Birthday George Lucas

George Lucas

Check out his career in pictures here.

H.R. Giger RIP

The very original and influential artist H. R. Giger died on May 12 in Zurich, Switzerland following a fall at his home.   Hans Ruedi Giger was 74.   His work won't be forgotten.

More @: ABC News
and @

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Take A Rare Look Behind The Scenes Of 2001: A Space Odyssey

There are some great still pictures from behind the scenes of the great movie 2001: A Space Odyssey.

Stanley Kubrick and William Sylvester on set

Take a look at the rest of the pictures at the great website

Life sized Boba Fett Figure Available, And Others.

Boba Fett Life-Size Figure is available from Sideshow Collectibles.

Boba Fett

Other life size figures also available

Also available are Han Solo in Carbonite and Darth Malgus.  They are each over six feet tall.  They cost between $6000-$7500 and you can make monthly payments if you don't have the full amount handy.
In case you're interested in picking one up you can purchase here:

If you're in a rush to have this you'll have to wait.  Boba Fett doesn't ship until September 2014.

Doom The Dark Ages Trailer