Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Movie Release Cancelled For The Hunt

UPDATE February 11, 2020: 

 It appears that The Hunt finally has a new release date and a new trailer.   March 13, 2020.  

Original teaser trailer:

Original Universal trailer removed from YouTube.

UPDATE: Universal has decided not to release this movie.
September 27, 2019  Release cancelled!
Cancellation cancelled: New release date: March 21, 2020
I assume it will get a streaming video release eventually after everyone has calmed down?

It will be interesting to see the reception for this movie!

UPDATE:  Website for the movie only displays message from Universal Pictures.

Sunday, August 4, 2019

Watch The Adventures Of Buckaroo Banzai - FREE!

This is a very entertaining 80's classic.  Check it out if you haven't seen.  Watch it again if you have.

Doom The Dark Ages Trailer