First it was canceled then not canceled. Now it's available for instant viewing on Netflix. It's barely a 3 star movie, on par with other Seth Rogen films. It has its funny moments. Being rated R it's definitely not for children or easily offended adults. Support freedom and democracy by watching, unless you live in
North Korea where Netflix is not yet available. "They hate us 'cause they an'us."
He had previously done his own remix of other films such as Heaven's Gate and Raiders Of The Lost Ark. Soderbergh's latest effort is his edit of 2001: A Space Odyssey.
"not only does the film not need my—or anyone else’s—help, but if it’s not THE most impressively imagined and sustained piece of visual art created in the 20th century, then it’s tied for first. " - Steven Soderbergh
You can watch 2001: The Steven Soderbergh Edition here @ Extension765